My Guides
      Website Design Guide
      Meta Tags
      My Promotion Tips
      My Top 10 Tips
      HTML Goodies
      Web Monkey
      Website Garage
      Animation Factory
      Hosted Scripts
      Web Builders Message Board
      Submit Express
      Get 3,000,000 Hits
      FFA Links
      Add To Open Directoy
      Link Muncher!

My Guides

A few guides designed by me on how to build/promote your website. Get To them by using the menu to the left or using the menu-box.


Build your website with these links to sites that provide CGI Scripts,backgrounds, Animations, Polls and HTML Codes.


Now you've built the best website in the world you'll need to promote it. These links are to search engine submitrters, FFA pages, Schemes that pay off with hits and lots more.

Click Here to Make Easy Net 2 Your Homepage

Link to Easy Net 2

Web Builders Message Board